Previewing an assessment

Note: To complete these procedures, you must be assigned a role having the necessary permissions. To determine your role, follow the directions in Participant roles. For a basic understanding of roles and permissions, see Permissions and roles: Overview.

To preview an assessment as it will be seen by those taking it:

  1. In the menubar of the relevant course or project site, click Tests & Quizzes Now you have two ways to preview assessments.

    1. From the Assessments page, select "Preview" from the drop-down of the assessment you want to preview.
    2. From the Assessments page, select "Edit" from the drop-down of the assessment you want to preview. Then click Preview Assessment.

    Under "Begin Assessment", review the information associated with your assessment.

  2. Click Begin Assessment. Depending on how you configured your Navigation setting, you'll see the following:

    • If you chose linear access, you'll see the first question of the first part. Click Save and Continue to proceed through the rest of the assessment.

    • If you chose random access, you can click Table of Contents to view the assessment organized by its parts. Click a part to reveal its questions, and click a question to read it. To return to a previous question, click Previous. To return to the table of contents, click Table of Contents.

  3. Click done to return to the Questions page.

    For more information on the Navigation setting, see "Assessment Organization" in Assessment settings.