Sending mail to site participants via Email Archive

To send email to every member of your course or project site:

  1. In the menubar of your course or project site, click Email Archive. If you don't see Email Archive, the site leader (or someone with the proper permissions) must add it to the site; see Adding Email Archive to your site.

  2. On the Email Archive screen, under "Email sent to the following addresses will be archived and sent to participants", you'll see the site email address. Above it, you'll see a message telling you if you are authorized to send email. If this site is set up to accept mail only from site participants (see Customizing an Email Archive), you will also see the address from which you are authorized to send email; use this account to send messages to the site address. Messages will go to all participants in your course or project site, and will be archived online in the Email Archive.

Note: You cannot use Email Archive to send mail to particular individuals. Mail sent to your site's email address is received by all site participants. To send messages to individual participants, use the Messages tool.