Changing a Wizard

The Wizards tool allows you to change wizards in these ways:

To make any of these changes, access the Wizards tool and follow these steps:

  1. If the Wizards home page is not displayed, click the Reset button.
  2. Find the wizard you want to change and click the Revise link beneath its name. Sakai displays the Revise Wizard, Step 1 screen. Except for its name, this screen looks like the Add Wizard, Step 1 screen.
  3. Referring to the instructions given in "Step 1: Creating the Wizard," steps 5 - 7, change entries as appropriate.
  4. If you press Continue, Sakai displays the Revise Wizard, Step 2, screen. Except for its name, this screen is identical to the Add Wizard, Step 2 screen.
  5. Referring to the instructions in "Step 2: Adding Wizard Support", change entries, as appropriate. If you press Continue, Sakai displays the Revise Wizard, Step 3, screen. This screen varies, depending on whether you are revising a sequential or hierarchical wizard. Note that categories and pages are identified by different icons:
    • down-facing triangle denotes a category that contains pages.
    • right-facing triangle denotes a category that contains no pages.
    • circle denotes a page.
  6. To make other types of changes, choose one or more of these options:
    • To add pages to a sequential wizard, see "Step 3: Adding Pages to a Sequential Wizard".
    • To add categories and/or pages to a hierarchical wizard, see "Step 4: Adding Categories, Subcategories, and Pages to a Hierarchical Wizard".
    • To change, delete, or move a category or page, see the subsections that follow.
  7. Exit from the screen in one of these ways:
    • To save your work and return to the Wizards home page, click Finish.
    • To save your work and return to the Add Wizard, Step 2, screen, click Back.
    • To return to the home page without saving any of the changes you have made, click Cancel.

Changing a Category

To change a category in a hierarchical wizard, follow these steps:

  1. On the Add Wizard, Step 3, screen, find the category you want to change and click the Revise link below its name. Sakai displays the Revise Wizard Category screen. Except for its name, it is identical to the Add Wizard Category screen.
  2. Referring to the instructions given in "Adding Categories," steps 2 - 5, make changes as needed.

Changing a Page

To change a page in a wizard, follow these steps:

  1. On the Add Wizard, Step 3, screen, find the page you want to change and click the Revise link below its name. Sakai displays the Revise Wizard Page Settings screen (see page 1).
  2. Referring to the instructions given in "Step 1: Creating the Wizard" beginning with step 5, and "Step 2: Adding Wizard Support", make changes as needed.
  3. To select forms for participants to complete, select a form from the Forms pulldown list and click Add. Sakai displays the name of the form you have added. Repeat this step to select the other forms you need.
  4. After entering information, attaching forms and files, and identifying evaluators as needed, click Save Changes. Sakai displays the Add Wizard, step 3, screen. The page you have added is listed on this screen. Or, to return to this screen without adding the page to the wizard, click Cancel.

Deleting a Category or Page

You can delete categories or pages only from unpublished or preview wizards. To delete a category or a page, follow these steps:

  1. On the Add Wizard, Step 3, screen, find the category or page you want to delete. Caution: Be sure you have chosen the correct category or page.
  2. Click the Delete link below the name of this category or page. Sakai deletes your selection immediately, without asking you to confirm your selection.

Changing the Order of Categories or Pages

To change the order of pages in a category or a sequential wizard, or to change the order of categories, click the up and/or down arrows. Each time you click an arrow, Sakai moves the associated category or page up or down in the list.

Moving a Page or Category to Another Level or Category

In a hierarchical wizard, you can move pages from one category to another. You can also move categories around, making them subcategories or moving subcategories up to become categories.

To move a page or category, follow these steps:

  1. On the Add Wizard, Step 3, screen, find the category or page you want to move and click the Move link for it. Sakai redisplays the screen, showing the possible destinations for the category or page.
  2. Find the category you want to move the category or page into and click the Move Category Here link for it. Sakai moves the category or page to the new location.