Maps Tool: Overview

The Maps Tool enables users to use the Google Maps software within the Sakai environment. In a Sakai workspace, users can browse and zoom to locations using the Google Maps tool. Depending on the Sakai workspace permissions, users can also create, update and delete markers on the map. In addition to the standard marker information like description and hyperlink, users can also select a marker-type. These marker types are predefined by workspace administrators in an administration page. This page is also used to configure other Map Tool settings.

Tool configuration

The Maps Tool needs a Google maps key. This key can be requested at Google and needs to be entered in the administration page before the tool can be used. Administration permission is needed to set this key. If the key is not yet set, the tool will startup by displaying the administrator section of the tool. If users don't have the appropriate permissions to set the key, an information message is displayed about the tool not having been configured yet.


See the usage section for more details.